Monday, August 6, 2012

Status of CSR MInneapolis

Official site offline
Hi everyone, I need to bring you all up to speed on what's going on.  Unfortunately, if you clicked on or tried to go to and came here, there's a good reason why.  I ran out of money to cover the hosting cost.  I really am starting from scratch.  This is the first time in the 6 years I've had this hosting account this has happened.  That all my websites are offline.  I'm very sorry for that.  I guess I'm still figuring out how to cover my expenses while work on this as much as possible.

I am still very committed to this community web development project, and believe this project needs to be completed, and that this is what I'm called to do.  That I am the best person do to this, not because it's uniqueness is of my own design, but because of broad depth of experience, education, and practice I bring to the table.  I am very glad to continue to show and articulate just what that means. 

CSR Minneapolis Home Page
 For those that do not understand the difference between going to the official site and this blog.  The official site is owned by me, meaning I rent space with a hosting company, and I can create what I want, design it from scratch, as I have, with (relatively) no restrictions.  It's like renting land, and able to build whatever I want on that land.  Click on the thumbnail to the right to see the full image of how the home page of the official site looks.

But, a blog, this blog is owned by Google, and they control how much of the design can be customized.  How much of the space in the building I'm renting can be changed.  I have to follow their rules, and deal with restrictions.  The down side is loss of control, but the upside is not having to recreate this particular space from scratch.  This site is already set up to do a particular thing.  Organize written (or multimedia) entries.

Content for Everyone
The content for the CSR community information projects is for everyone.  Yet, the priority goes to those most in need.  This is to directly address the large gaps in our social fabric.  To us, it is unacceptable to dismiss, or alienate certain part of our community.  This does not mean, in regards to this CSR community information projects, that we help those most in need to exploit our resources, or peoples generosity.  But, to make use of them with respect and gratitude.  Also, to simply know what we have going on in our community.  It's so easy to dismiss, or walk away from an issue or challenge if it's unclear, cloudy, muddy.  This breeds the habit or pattern of thinking "someone else must be doing it."

The way the official site is designed, all of the main subjects of our community are there in front of us, on the navigation menus.  Those that have not or are not aware of the free community meals, the shelters, the service groups that provide help and assistance to those in need, are able to see that they are there, and learn more if they so choose.  And, those in need can see other subject that help them envision a more main stream lifestyle, with their minimum needs met.

Social Justice
Whether we like it or not, whether we own it or not, we live in a sick society.  Where good, kind hearted, well meaning people (especially those in authority) continue to perpetuate issues that cause or repeat problems for certain segments of our society.  Those of us that can and need to speak up, will have an opportunity to do so here.  Especially on the blog and the message board.  The CSR community web development projects will help facilitate this kind of speaking up.  Speaking up in a way that is genuinely healthy, skilled, educated, and not leading down the path of indulging in social tricks, gimmicks, manipulations, intimidation's, and violence.

Things like the Free Community Meals page, with the Google calendar listing all the Free Meals in one calendar.  And this calendar starts with showing what's going on today.  Other calendars like Advocacy Events and Voting Events can show a comprehensive list of events for that subject, on that page.  You can also click a button and see only the Google calendar for that subject.  See, click on thumbnail below to see what the calendar & Twitter section of the page looks like.