Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What is the CSR Direct Community Internet Project?

CSR Direct
A Community Services & Resources Network

With the current ability to text, tweet or post what one ate in the last 5 minutes, there is no reason we can't have, and keep current, information about community services and resources online.  And, the potential for using the community for important feedback and information updates is significant.

There is no need to re-invent the wheel here.  Just easy to use site building software to set up official sites of information, with links to the message board and other social networking sites for access, promotion and connection.

This project is not intended to compete directly with other websites, or social service agencies.  It is to fill a void that is currently there regarding the lack of certain information that would be more helpful, and to correct or update, and complete information that is there.  Information about the services needed should include hearing from the... community.

The idea is to include all areas of our community, not just those with "issues" and in need of special attention.  This internet project will help to connect people from all parts of our community.

In the near future, more details of the project to be listed here for clearer understanding, anticipation, and feedback.

The Online Presence
Message Board

Official Site